Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The truth about making $100k + online

The truth about making $100k + online

Spend time at leisure with the proceeds of making $100k online
Change your Lifestyle

Despite what you may believe, want, or even hope, making a living online will be one of the most challenging things you ever do.
Friends who mean well will tell you to quit… your work colleagues will laugh at you… and some ‘haters’ may even try to actively stop you from succeeding.
And that’s not the worst of it.
Because your own mind will even plot against you.
When you’re on the cusp of making a $5k sale… mastering a new traffic source… or creating a new business connection... your fears, hang-ups, and destructive self-beliefs will whisper…
“You can’t do this…”
Of course that’s untrue. Your mind is a liar. A very convincing liar, but a liar nonetheless.
And that’s why when anyone asks me what they need to do to start a six-figure income online I tell them the same thing.
Start with your mindset.
It may seem esoteric or weird, but the fact is, without the belief that you can improve your life and financial situation, you never will.
But when you ‘turn the corner’ and start believing in your ability to make five, six, or even seven-figures commissions, the sky’s the limit.
You may be thinking, that sounds great - in theory - but I tend to get down on myself, how can I make a practical change in my mindset?
I totally understand. I wasn’t always a positive person and I didn’t always make a great living online.
So today I’d like to share with you three simple tips you can use today to unlock your ‘millionaire’ mind.

#1: Spend time with positive people
Positivity is infectious. So, read more positive books, watch more positive shows, and most importantly, surround yourself with positive people.
Jim Rohn famously said you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, if you want to earn six or seven figures a year, spend time with people who are also successful in business.

#2: Keep a journal of negative thoughts
Reducing negative self-talk starts with awareness. Think about it. How can you stop the negative thoughts that limit your success if you’re not even aware you’re thinking them?
So, start writing them down. It seems counterintuitive, but by noting your negative self-talk you’ll actually reduce it over time.

#3 Commit to a path
You’ll never be successful if you’re constantly changing the goals posts.
You can’t have the goal of making money online one day and then wake up the next excited about the idea of opening a waffle shop.
Switching goals doesn’t make any sense and you’ll just end up spinning your wheels.
If you want a free life where you make thousands a day, commit to it. Find a system that works and put your all into it.
If you haven’t found a reliable system for making a six-figure income online yet, you’ll want to check this out:
Click Here. 

21 Step System
Copy short URL
This is a new guide just released by a $150m earner from Australia, and it outlines the fastest way for you to start and grow a successful online business from home.
I highly recommend you grab a copy now.
Talk soon, 

How to Avoid becoming a Business Failure Statistic

how-to avoid-becoming-a-business-failure-statistic

How to Avoid becoming a Business Failure Statistic

Carrying on from the previous post, (if you haven’t read it, here is the link) I discovered that there was a demand for my skills as a business systems analyst. I soon signed up a major international Corporation to analyse their parts production plant. I set up an organisation, hired a couple of my old colleges and offered a bespoke systems development for clients who had previous experience with us. 

You might already have realized that this operation was a desperate attempt at overcoming my previous disastrous effort at breaking free.

We had some success, even though it was hard hours. Some testing could only be done when the processing for the day had been completed, which meant working until after midnight. We grew weary and grumpy with each other, so decided to hire another programmer. He also brought with him some of his clients so we quickly grew again.

We were approached by our previous employer (see the previous post) who said they were launching a new computer series and would like us to do some of the systems development for their prospective clients. I said that we had no expertise in this new machine. They said that they had trained about 30 of their own people to develop programs for this machine. We could recruit from this pool as when we required more people. The management had decided that they would only support the hardware that they sold and would withdraw from offering development services to their clients.

At a management meeting, we decided that this would create a gap in the market that we could fulfill with management procedures which we had developed in our business so far.  With the agreement in place the clients started rolling in at the rate of one a day!
We had no idea that the demand would be so instantaneous. We had to rapidly employ people to meet the demand. I was tied up getting instructions from the new clients and developing programmer specifications at the rate of one a day!

We also had to develop a standard specification so that everyone in the business understood the requirements. This enabled us to get new programmers on board at a rapid rate.
So, this sounds like a great business, what were the problems. We were arrogant and too proud to seek advice. We should have agreed with the equipment suppliers on a pricing model, because we grossly under-priced. And eventually this would create cashflow problems.

We were still basically trading our time for money. This is not a business, as you cannot even take a break without effecting your income. There is also no forward planning, as every equipment series is eventually replaced and becomes obsolete.

A major international credit card company had approached us to develop a new system for them, but only on another manufacturers equipment. They said that their research found that we were the second largest Software House in the country. The largest was totally involved in Government systems and was not available. We said that we also could not help as we had no time to let our people go for training on a new machine.

 We also had an approach from the largest manufacturer to develop for one of their ranges. They offered free training, but again we could not find the time to let people go on the training. This was a classic catch 22 situation.
In retrospect this was a classic case of requiring a re-structuring and re-capitalization of a business with this kind of potential growth.

Now I would like to recommend a course of action which will avoid all these mistakes I made.
With the training I am going to show you, will allow you to spot these kinds of problems and no what to do to a). avoid them and b). how to remedy the mistakes to get on track to your chosen lifestyle.

First you will be taken through a series of 21 Videos of roughly 30 minutes duration. This course will guide you into an understanding of the overall picture of everything you need to consider when starting out. The second course will get down to the more specific choices you need to make to select the ideal business model for you specifically.

Covering :-
1.)    How to start and grow a business
2.)    Choosing the right business to suite your skills
3.)    What it really means to be an entrepreneur.
4.)    Scaling a business to making it successful
5.)    Why you want to start. What is your end game?
6.)    Unlock and leverage your profit making skills.
7.)    What are your strengths?
8.)    Choosing your $1Million Niche
9.)    Design and build your business model
10.)        Choose your winning product and offer.

This just shows you the level of detail the course guides you into.
All the while you report to your coach on your progress and can ask for advice one on one. This is really the MBA of Internet marketing. 

You will also attend Mastermind events in luxurious resorts where you will interact and form partnerships with fellow students.

I could go on all day. I have not found any system that comes close to matching this, so go ahead and click the link. Start your trial today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How Bad Business Decisions aren't as Bad as You Think

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What is it about our species that we must always be moving forwards in whatever endeavors we embark upon?

I had a very good position with a large multi-national technology company. I had started out at the bottom rung and with diligence and long hours I progressed very rapidly.

The job was always interesting and challenging, which meant I was never bored.
As I later discovered, that this was the greatest motivator. If your responsibilities are always changing and growing, you have no time to become frustrated or bored with life.

As time went by I was given the opportunity to travel to far-flung branches to teach the branch staff and to lecture to customers and potential customers about the subject of the time, as the designated “expert”. This inferred trust in me as an employee and gave me the confidence to start making my own 
decisions on behalf of the company.

Everything was fine until I arrived at my seventh year with the company. We had through the latter years achieved many pioneering services to the Banking Industry and were building a reputation for excellent installations. But like everyone in those days, we thought that we were all things to all men and begun to get involved in other industries which were not part of our core business. I guess the markets were so small in the early days, that one or two markets were not sustainable for a rapidly growing marketer as we were. 

Anyhow, I was designated to head up an industrial scientific inventory package from our Head office, to market a canned package solution in a market where the norm was bespoke, tailored systems. This again was a pioneering effort. The management had no qualms about this as the previous campaigns had been so successful. 

This time around, however, it was a spectacular failure. Despite doing free trials by taking one or two products out of a prospect’s line and capturing all the data to demonstrate real live reporting we got no sales. Zero! Nada!

Somehow this rubbed off on me personally and suddenly I was no longer the flavor of the month. My career took a dive and I was told to go into Sales as a Junior rep for a small range of products. This was not acceptable and for the first time in my career with the company, I lacked motivation.

During my time in the Inventory Control package venture, I had occasions to address many audiences in the Inventory Control arena, especially other consultants at Inventory Control Society monthly meetings. At one such event, I must have impressed one consultant. He approached me to have lunch.
At the lunch, he proposed that I buy into his consultancy as an equal partner and join him full time. This, of course, was very flattering and a boost to my ego. The thought of having my own business with the freedom of making one’s own decisions was very appealing.

In retrospect, I wonder at the naivety of my actions, which today appear startling, as I jumped in without due diligence or investigation of any sort.
He only had one consultancy job at the time, and soon after I started we landed a job to re-organize the offices of a large publisher, to an open plan, and prevent the expense of adding more floors to the building. (Not exactly Inventory Control.)

No sooner had we signed the deal when my partner informed me that he was going to relocate his family about 2000 miles away for the duration of his tenure to complete a PhD. degree. I was therefore expected me to run the business on my own until he returned. This meant that I was expected to consult on the two jobs, and sell our services for future jobs! As by this time I was fully committed, there was no way to back out.

That evening I ended up at a pub frequented by my old colleagues, most of whom said write it off and re-join the firm.  The next day I received a call from one of them who was not at the pub the previous night. He said he had heard from a mutual friend, that I was not happy. He then made a proposition which changed my direction and life for the next five years.

We leave that story for another time. The point of this story is that to go into business for yourself requires much research and due diligence. Make sure you know what you are getting into. 

One way I know is a company which is offering a 7 day trial on a business education course if you have 45 minutes a day to go through their material, meet, on Skype, with one of their coach/consultants, as though you had signed up for the full course. This trial will only cost you $7. 

Then, for a further $40 you can complete the 21-step course. At the end of it, you will be fully aware of all that is necessary to start your own on-line full or part time business, utilizing “Big Ticket” affiliate marketing. What have you got to lose?